How to Get a Scratch Out of Your Tile Floors

An excited dog paw; a rock stuck under a shoe; sliding new furniture into place; there are a lot of things that can scratch a ceramic tile floor. The bad news is, although tile is tough in the face of most wear and tear, it’s going to be difficult to protect your floors from every… Read more »

Why You Should Have Your Office Furniture Professionally Cleaned

Most of us don’t think too much about the furniture in our office beyond whether it’s comfortable to sit in. Even business owners might neglect to consider the routine care and maintenance needs of their furnishings in the wake of other, more pressing, concerns and responsibilities. But clean furniture at your business is important for… Read more »

4 Common Cleaning Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Carpet

When you own a home or run a business with carpeting, keeping up with regular cleaning and maintenance is essential. If you neglect to care for your carpets properly, they’ll become unattractive and potentially even hazardous to the health of occupants and/or customers. Unfortunately, there are a lot of common DIY carpet cleaning methods people… Read more »

The Telltale Signs of Carpet Mold

If you have carpets in your home or business, the last thing you want to find is mold lurking under, in, or on top of them. Mold is not only hazardous to your health, but also expensive to remove and leaves even more costly damage in its wake. Keeping your carpets clean and dry, inspecting… Read more »

Tips for Keeping Your Business Space Clean

One of the fundamental rules of running a restaurant, hotel, retail store, or other commercial enterprise? A clean business is a successful business. Keeping your business premises clean and tidy is crucial for attracting customers and ensuring the health and wellness of customers and employees both. The condition of your business space is a strong… Read more »

The Importance of a Clean Lobby

If you run a business in a building with a waiting area or lobby, then you know how important it is to make this greeting area feel welcoming for clients, but still representative of your professionalism. After all, when customers enjoy spending time in your space, they’re more likely to trust you with their business…. Read more »

3 Types of Businesses That Should Invest in Professional Carpet Cleaning

A lot of business owners choose to maintain the carpets in their facilities themselves, or leave the responsibility to a team of in-house employees. For many businesses, this DIY approach to carpet cleaning is a perfectly suitable choice for regular day to day upkeep. In certain industries, however, routine professional commercial carpet cleaning is essential… Read more »

Choosing the Right Color Carpet for Your Home

When you decide to install wall-to-wall carpeting in your home, the style you choose can make or break your space. There are a lot of choices you’ll have to make—material, texture, design, and most importantly, color. As you head to the store and browse for ideas online, keep these considerations in mind to help you… Read more »

4 Ways Carpet Will Enhance Your Home

As farmhouse style and natural elements become more and more popular in the interior design world, people are more often choosing hard materials for their flooring. While hardwood, stone, tile, and other similar products have their own advantages, carpet still has something special to offer for your space. After all, there must be a reason… Read more »

How to Treat Your Carpet for Shedding

Carpets are a great way to add warmth, comfort, and style to any room. Unfortunately, they don’t come without their annoyances. Excessive shedding is one of those irritating carpet problems that can be difficult to get a handle on. But nobody wants a layer of unattractive loose strands constantly sitting on the surface of their… Read more »